Why’s that? Why should we go back to basics? Shouldn’t we be proud of what we achieved and our civilization? And keep going forward?
Reasons to go back to basics
Well, it seems that our lives are getting more and more complicated while we are getting fatter, lazier and unhealthy. We are destroying our environment and making it impossible for us to survive. It is just a matter of time if we keep going further down this track.
Instead of using our muscles to move around we climb in some sort of transportation device, like a car, that transports and carries our weight for us. Instead of eating what our bodies would digest best, the food that grows in nature, we are eating convenient processed food out of a lab. Convenient only from the perspective that we don’t have to prepare it but only have to buy it and scoff it down. Driving to the shop in a car to buy it, that is.
If we keep going further down the same track, it is only getting worse
Once we get too unhealthy and too fat to move our bodies, we start using mobility scooters. If we want to lose weight we start to work out in a gym. There we use machines to define certain muscle groups. Rather than working out our whole body. We consume protein out of the lab because that is what we hear: Muscles need protein to grow. If we get really sick we go to a doctor and start taking pills.And yet we need to realize, in all of those actions there is a monetary gain for a company selling those products. And how could they encourage sales better than by telling us it was good for us? The mobility scooter is a product and we pay for it. We have to pay for the protein, the gym membership, the doctor and the pills.
And yet we need to realize, in all of those actions there is a monetary gain for a company selling those products. And how could they encourage sales better than by telling us it was good for us? The mobility scooter is a product and we pay for it. We have to pay for the protein, the gym membership and equipment, the doctor and the pills.
Let’s face it: We spend a lot of money to get sicker and sicker.
All of these actions we are told to be the best for us. But by industries. We have to wake up to this fact. Industries that want us to buy their products. We have to realize that listening to those industries wanting to make money is how we originally got our problems. Those are artificially created problems. Artificial like the lives we are living if we follow the advice of those industries. Their pieces of advice are sales techniques designed to make money and not to make us healthy.
We need to learn to listen to our bodies and get back to basics to survive
If we want to change our situation, we need to act differently, stop listening to others and start listening to our bodies and use common sense. More of the same actions that got us into trouble make it only worse.
How come we got that far away from all the basics and what is good for us?
One reason is that it seems easy to give the responsibility out of our hands. We don’t feel well and turn to a doctor and buy and eat pills because he said so. This looks like a solution where we don’t have to change and can happily ignore ourselves. Another reason is that we drifted away from even intending to listen to our bodies and ourselves. We just watch TV and buy and eat what they advertise. And our lives slowly turn out to be complicated and time-consuming making convenient products necessary. So we are being lazy and not taking responsibility for our own life.
We work for those industries that are killing us
To make matters worse we ourselves believe we need to work in these industries to make money. We need a lot of money for the convenient products we buy. Addictions to sugar and salt worsen the eating habits and cause cravings that some of us cannot control.
And we simply forget how easy life is if we just keep it simple and basic. Some consider it to be a luxury life when they have plenty of things. They don’t realize how all those “things” take their lives away and consume their lifetime. “Things” force us to make time for them and to take care of them.
We want others to solve the problems we create for ourselves
When we get sick we go to the doctor and expect him to cure us with something we can consume, some magical pill. Many times one pill leads to the consumption to another because of its “side” effects. That is great for the pharmaceutical industry, of course. Hence for those employees there, that need their job to buy their convenient products and pay for child care. And again it is getting very complicated. And again we are not actually helping the real matter and living healthy.
We work for industries that sell us products that make us sick. We get sick and work more to have more money to buy more of what makes us sick. And our children spend their days with strangers but only if they have the vaccinations they need. And so forth.
We are part of nature, we have to keep that in mind
We are living beings and best for us is what comes directly from nature. And also getting it the natural way through collecting so we have to exercise, breastfeeding the child which means spending time with it. Anything out of the lab, in general, is not meant to be good for us but to make money.
Although the people producing it mean many times well … Many people don’t think for themselves and believe what they are told by companies. There are many doctors – if not most of them – convinced that prescribing drugs is the right thing.
But let us all stop for a moment and think about the situation ourselves … Many of us simply lost touch to the basics – and that explains most problems in our world.
Back to basics – definitely
We have to get back to the basics and enjoy what’s necessary.
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